Melanie Lawrence

Melanie Lawrence

Melanie Lawrence’s pursuit of Education has been marked by excellence. 1998 she earned her Master’s in Education from the University of Minnesota, graduating with a stellar 4.0 GPA.

In 2017, Melanie Lawrence obtained a K-12 Administration certification and Reading Endorsement from Concordia University, further enriching her academic arsenal.

Her impact was palpable as a Classroom Teacher, TOSA, and Administrator at Richfield Public Schools from 1998 to 2019.

Leading from the front, Melanie has orchestrated Professional Development initiatives, spearheaded the implementation of Professional Learning Communities, and conducted comprehensive training for educators and leaders.

Her expertise encompasses a spectrum of domains, including Standards Development, Collaborative Teams, Equity, Data Analysis, Restorative Practices, and Family Engagement.

As an RCE Advocate, her consultancy role with schools and districts for the Minnesota Department of Education is marked by her multifaceted leadership strengths.

Melanie Lawrence-Smith excels in coaching, directing professional development, adeptly facilitating programs, fostering collaboration, and igniting a spirit of excellence both within herself and others, all geared towards students’ ultimate success.


Melanie Lawrence would like to provide consultation in the following areas:

  • Leadership
  • Education Development
  • Professional Development
  • Family Engagement


Melanie Lawrence-Smith would like to speak at your upcoming conferences on the subjects of education and leadership.